Your MasterCard Dispute Administration Fee – Get to know it
Different types of fees are associated when processing a payment that is made with a MasterCard. These fees have been implemented by the acquirers, card networks and issuers. The Dispute Administration Fee, which is also known as DAF holds a…
5 Mobile Payment Trends we learned in 2016
One of the things that merchant acquiring services providers should care about are industry trends. Mobile payments is definitely one of the top trends to look at. In fact, the popularity of mobile digital payment processing is increasing…
Smartphone can now enhance your security in a smart way
Are you looking for a convenient method to keep all your online payments away from fraud? Then this will surely be good news for you! Believe it or not, any smartphone that you can purchase from the market are actually smart enough to keep you…
Skrill Introduces Rapid Transfer for uploading funds to e-wallets
Skrill has maintained an excellent reputation throughout the past few years by delivering innovative online wallet services and alternative payment methods to the people in need. Recently they introduced their instant banking option, named as…
MasterCard “Selfie Pay” over Passwords?
Security is one of the key priorities. Passwords are a pain, it is time to move on. Retina scans maybe? No! finger prints maybe? Not even. Getting rid of passwords and introducing more selfies? This seems like a dream idea! Use a "selfie pay…
10 Simple Tips to Entrepreneurs and Startups
Perseverance is the Key
Steve Jobs got kicked out of Apple. While J.K. Rowling was writing the Harry Potter book, her life was a self-described clutter: she was going through a divorce and her only source of revenue was government aid…
CNNMoney interview with LevelUp founder
What is the mobile payments future?
See what the future of mobile payments has to bring with CNNMoney interviewing LevelUp founder Seth Priebatsch.
Applying for an online gambling license in Malta
Malta has one of the most prestigious, globally recognized and well-regulated gambling laws, known to be well-efficient and strict in preventing any illegal activity, money laundering for instance. The Malta online gambling license is recognized…
Payment Gateway: What you need to know
A Payment Gateway enables online merchants to accept card payments and alternative payments securely by encrypting sensitive information and passing the transaction details to the acquiring bank. Acquiring bank then notifies the issuer bank…
What is an Automated Clearing House?
An Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic network for financial transactions. It is generally used in the U.S. This clearing house usually processes large batched volumes of credit and debit orders. The first task done by the ACH is…
What is a high risk merchant account?
High risk merchants are defined as merchants whose business is more susceptible to fraudulent activity or their average sales volumes are higher than average. It is the norm that high risk merchants are more prone to thorough due diligence by…
The US embraces the new EMV system!
Finally, in October 2015 the much-debated Payment Networks’ Liability Shifty propagated with EuroPay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) is coming into motion in the United States, and the US is moving towards upgrading its mobile payments security…