Beauty Products Payment Processor

Choose Areto for transparent fees and lightning-fast checkout processes that enhance customer satisfaction and drive repeat purchases of your beauty products!

Why Choose Areto?

It’s a beauty products payment processor that ensures all payments are secure, reliable, and easy to use. We specialize in helping with challenges like high chargeback rates and complex regulations.

Our easy-to-use features and commitment to great customer service improve the buying experience by making checkout quick and providing responsive support. Choose Areto for trustworthy payment solutions to help your beauty products business succeed.

Risk Management

At Areto, we specialize in handling high-risk classifications, providing reliable payment processing solutions tailored specifically to the needs of beauty product sellers. We understand the unique challenges in credit card processing for beauty products, including high chargeback rates and regulatory complexities.

To address these challenges, we offer robust fraud detection and prevention measures that effectively mitigate risks. This ensures smoother transactions and reduces the risk of payment disruptions.


Regulatory Compliance

Areto’s software solutions are designed to simplify compliance with complex regulations like PCI DSS, ensuring that beauty product sellers can prioritize their business operations without being burdened by regulatory barriers.


Fraud Prevention

Areto incorporates advanced security features into its payment processing solutions. These include:

  • Strong Customer Authentication (SCA): Ensures secure verification of transactions, enhancing protection against unauthorized access.
  • PCI DSS Level 1 v4 Certification: Meets stringent security standards to safeguard cardholder data, ensuring compliance with industry regulations. 3D Secure 2: Provides additional security layers during online transactions, reducing the risk of fraud.
  • Anti-Fraud Engine: Utilizes advanced technology to detect and prevent fraudulent activities, maintaining a secure payment environment for both merchants and customers.


Customer Trust

Areto provides a comprehensive platform for beauty product sellers, offering transparent pricing models and a variety of secure payment methods to create a trustworthy and reliable shopping experience for their customers.

By prioritizing transparency and security, beauty product sellers can cultivate strong connections with their clients, ultimately fostering customer loyalty and repeat business, which is especially crucial in a highly competitive market.


Integration and User Experience

Areto’s innovative software solutions are designed to seamlessly integrate with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, ensuring a smooth and user-friendly checkout experience for customers.

This advanced technology simplifies operations for beauty product sellers, streamlining their processes and improving customer satisfaction.


Sign up now and optimize your beauty product payments with Areto today!

Ready to simplify your beauty product payments? Join the hundreds of beauty product sellers who trust Areto.

We offer transparent fees, lightning-fast checkout processes, and robust fraud prevention to boost customer satisfaction and drive repeat purchases.