High risk merchants are defined as merchants whose business is more susceptible to fraudulent activity or their average sales volumes are higher than average. It is the norm that high risk merchants are more prone to thorough due diligence by the acquiring banks. This is due to the risk associated with such merchant accounts. So, what is a high risk merchant account?
Before high risk merchant account creation…
Some of the reasons to consider a merchant as being high risk include:
merchant’s business is blacklisted by acquiring banks. This can be due to a high level of chargebacks or due to a significant security breach in the past;
merchants operating in specific industries such as Adult entertainment, Online gaming and Online Casinos, Online auctions and debt services, E-wallet and E-cash, Sports betting, Binary options trading and Online dating services.
Here at Areto Systems – online payment services, we have partnered up with several payment service providers who accept high risk merchants. Contact us or Join us now.